S.O.A.P. Method
The S.O.A.P. Bible study method is a great way to start reading through your Bible and develop a deeper relationship with God. Click the button below to learn how to do S.O.A.P. study on your own and then snap a photo of your study and tag us on social media so we can see how S.O.A.P. is encouraging you in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
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Jesus was more than just a figurative religious voice. He actually walked this earth as a man revealing to us the full nature of God. One of his best friends, John, took time to write down for us the account of his life, ministry, and teachings. This six-week study through the Gospel of John is not only history, but it’s also His Story.
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Thru The Bible -- Gospel Of John
The Gospel of John, a favorite book of the Bible, gives us the story behind the stories of the Gospels. Though it is one of easiest books to read, John is also one of the most profound books to understand. Let veteran Bible teacher and pastor, Dr. J. Vernon McGee lead you through the entire book in these 21 summaries from Thru the Bible’s tried and trusted five year study.
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Because We Care
Outreach is about a lot more than explaining a message. It's about connecting with real people in real every-day life, communicating in a way they can receive and accept. The great commission gives us a clear purpose. "Go into all the world and..." This plan will help equip you to engage with people in everyday spiritual conversations to communicate the Christian message of hope clearly and concisely when opportunity arises.
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Living Changed
With so many voices telling us who to be, it’s no wonder we struggle with where to place our identity. God doesn’t want us to be defined by our career, marital status, or mistakes. He wants His opinion to be the highest authority in our lives. This six-day plan will help you internalize what the Bible says about who you are and truly embrace your identity in Christ.
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Writings of John
This plan takes you through the books of the writings of John over the course of 25 Days. Each book includes videos specifically designed to enhance your understanding and engagement with God's Word.
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